British Composers Project


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Composition is and will always be a priority for me and in a world of music so rich with influences and possibilities, I find the performance aspect of my musical career to be a valuable asset to my development as a writer.
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adio ico Playlist or tracks - Chorale Variations, Intrada, Jazz Song


Mike Henry photo



Biographical Notes

Born in London in 1963 of Jamaican parentage, I studied composition and clarinet at the Royal College of Music between 1981-85. I became the 1994 winner of the Cornelius Cardew prize for composition.

As an eclectic and musical devotee, I emerged from the confines of a rigid classical music education to become a singer of Rhythm and Blues, rock, soul, pop, jazz and contemporary opera as well as a songwriter in all aforementioned styles.


Add a sprinkling of saxophone playing, television presenting and record producing and that is pretty much my C V to date.

As can be seen from my list of selected works, I have been predominantly a woodwind composer, but am presently seeking text to set vocally. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Below are a list of Selected Works, for further information please look at my personal web site


Selected Works

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